lunes, 28 de enero de 2008

The Ailanto Wellness Resot and Spa Hotel

The Ailanto Wellness Resort and Spa Hotel.

The Ailanto Wellness Resort and Spa HotelThe North American company 'All American Homes RPC' will build a hotel specialized in health tourism, with an investment estimated at $34.5 million dollars.

The Ailanto Wellness Resort and Spa Hotel will be located in the rural community of La Fortuna, Bagaces, on the skirts of the Miravalles Volcano, in the province of Guanacaste. It is expected to open its doors to the public by the end of 2008.

Hugo Ribadeneira, developer of the project, announced that the hotel will offer to its guests a wide range of medical and holistic services, such as plastic surgery, nutrition, homeopathy, dentistry, and massages. In addition to its 400 rooms, the hotel will have especially designed residences with several rooms and condominiums for sale. The latest will be valued at prices ranging from $330,000 dollars to $1,000,000 dollars.

The Minister of Tourism, Carlos Ricardo Benavides, explained that health tourism is a constantly growing sector in the country. The owners of Ailanto estimate that the lowest price per night in a suite will be $285 dollars. However, during high season, prices could go up to $500 dollars per night.

The developer estimates that the hotel will have a demand for at least 250 employees, who will be trained in the next months.

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