miércoles, 30 de enero de 2008

Las Hornillas

Las Hornillas, you can take a tour inside Costa Rica's live walkable volcanic crater. In no other place can you view the geological marvels of bubbling mud pots, bubbling water pools, fumaroles, and crystallized sulfur so close. Bathe in the therapeutic volcanic mud, before riding a horse to the beautiful waterfalls located in a private nature reserve.

One Day tour

The scenic route to the Rain Forest at Miravalles Volcano, travels across the Guanacaste Mountain Range spotted with small villages and cattle ranches. Arrive to Costa Rica's only live volcano where participants can actually walk around a crater, see and feel the smoke rising out of the boiling, muddy cauldrons.
You can test the therapeutic properties of the famous mineral clays and the warm waters of the natural Hot Springs while marveling at the lush tropical scenery typical of this region of Costa Rica. From the Activity Center a Horseback ride is programmed to the gates of the Miravalles Volcano Private Reserve. Enjoy a 30-minute hike through primary rain forest, with safe hanging bridges and winding trails with sheer drop offs towards the Escondida Waterfall This awesome secluded mountain site is reserved for nature lovers who like to avoid congested tourist attractions.

The Crater


Fumaroles are vents from which volcanic gas escapes into the atmosphere. Fumaroles may occur along tiny cracks or long fissures, in chaotic clusters or fields, and on the surfaces of lava flows and thick deposits of pyroclastic flows. They may persist for decades or centuries if they are above a persistent heat source or disappear within weeks to months if they occur atop a fresh volcanic deposit that quickly cools. Fumaroles, emit a mixture of steam and other gases, and are fed by conduits that pass through the water table before reaching the surface of the ground. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), one of the typical gases issuing from fumaroles, readily oxidizes to sulfuric acid and native sulfur. This accounts for the intense chemical activity and brightly colored rocks.

From Daniel Oduber Airport (Liberia)5km north until you reach Liberia, take the Interamerian towards San José, when arriving at bagaces, head northeast until you arrive in Fortuna de Bagaces (21km), go 2 km north towards the geothermic plant, and go 2km east until you arrive at Las hornillas.

Tel: (506) 839-9769Fax: (506) 673-1820email:


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